How to Overcome Procrastination

How to Overcome Procrastination24.07.2023 16:00 - 18:00 (Mo)

An Online Event in the GraduateCenterLMU Lecture Series "Kurz & bündig"

Do you often put off working on your dissertation? Do you prefer to do things that are pleasant, are quick to achieve, and require less effort? Checking your mailbox is a welcome distraction? Most doctoral candidates know this. And most doctoral candidates are also familiar with the accompanying feelings of constantly lagging behind, of not progressing fast enough, of not doing enough. However, both the delay and the dissatisfaction are not individual failures – on the contrary: they are a normal, inevitable reaction of normal people to a widespread orientation towards work, the "outcome focus". In the lecture, you will understand why procrastination is a natural consequence of this orientation and how you can change this orientation, including a habit-based rather than goal-based approach, so that procrastination becomes unnecessary in the future.


  • See procrastination as a solution rather than a problem
  • Draw satisfaction from the process rather than from the achievement of objectives
  • Learn tools to facilitate the development of new habits
  • Develop a plan for a new habit of your own

Language of event: English

Target group: Doctoral candidates and postdocs of LMU Munich (the number of participants is limited)

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